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Priscilla French Watercolors
Description of Work and Process
I have always been a visual person. I see shapes, patterns – “puzzle pieces” - in a landscape and get excited about trying to paint the scene. Sometimes what captures my vision is a striking color in a street scene or the abstract possibilities of rocks. The creation of a painting from start to finish involves careful study and solitude. Please don’t talk to me! The process takes on a life of its own and inspires me to return again and again. There is beauty everywhere if you know how to see it – isn’t that the trick?
Artist's Bio
I began sketching as a young girl using pastels and paints and took a life-changing drawing class in college that opened my eyes to different ways of seeing. My first serious study of watercolor began during several summers of workshops with Betty Lou Schlemm in Rockport, Mass. in the late 1970s where I was called “the kid” - I had never heard of the term “values” in my first critique! Since moving to Portsmouth, NH in 1985 I have studied watercolor consistently with esteemed teachers and artists Doris Rice, DeWitt Hardy and Russell Whitten - and will never stop because the medium is so difficult! But if you get a really good painting every so often, there is nothing more satisfying. I have taught both studio art and art history at the high school level and was recently accepted as a juried member of the New Hampshire Art Association.
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